Our project serves as an educational series dedicated to improving the awareness and appreciation for Utah’s beautiful natural landscapes. In recent years, our cherished national parks and public outdoor spaces have been exploited, limited, and taken advantage of. These spaces are fragile, and damage to them is irreversible. Our images are a visual representation of the devastation that would be caused by oil drilling, mining, and the auctioning of land in Utah’s national parks.
We hope and expect the audience will take it upon themselves to become more educated on the current state of Utah’s public lands. Resultantly, it is critical that after viewing our series more students and Utahns engage in the support of preservation, as well as spreading awareness of the issue amongst other citizens. Hopefully viewers will support local causes aiming to halt the development of our natural lands. Not only is it important to represent Utah’s lands but it is crucial to remind viewers how invaluable that land is. Included in our exhibition are links to organizations that aim to halt the development of our national parks. Please visit these pages after viewing our work to learn more information and get involved.
help Protect our parks and natural resources
support preservation of Public lands and our national parks with these organizations: