Discover beauty within the imperfections of reality.
The Japanese worldview of wabi-sabi reminds us that existence is finite. Objects and memories will inevitably wither, but decay is not to be feared. Over the centuries, Buddhist monks looked to imperfections in their daily lives for reassurance-- faults in bowls, cracks in brick, scars on flesh. There they found solace.
Our grove is a virtual recreation of a centuries-old zen garden. It is a resting place for objects and their thoughts. Each carries an emotional weight unique to its owner, often in the form of a fond memory. With minimal or inadequate photographic input, 3D reconstruction software reveals that even data cannot escape degradation. It connects points chaotically. It throws out data. We are interested in what’s left: jagged, incomplete forms algorithmically derived from reality.
We invite our audience to immerse themselves in a peaceful display of ordinary, incomplete, yet significant objects. Secrets are written in their code. In this time of change and unease, we urge participants to look for comfort in their material surroundings. Notice every crack, tear, and bump. What stories will you uncover?